Thursday, December 24, 2009

I can't grill outside due to fire restrictions in my area, anyone have good steak recipe for indoor cooking?

Rub steak with garlic, pepper and salt, fry both sides in a pan only flipping once. Let it rest or if u like it med well put in a hot oven for another 3-5 min. Slice into thin slices, and either make a thai beef salad with that or roll it up with veggies in tortilla wrappers. Theres so much you can do with that... or just eat it with a plain potato!I can't grill outside due to fire restrictions in my area, anyone have good steak recipe for indoor cooking?
Marinade it in Italian salad dressing. Sprinke some cracked pepper and garlic over it. Broil it in the oven.I can't grill outside due to fire restrictions in my area, anyone have good steak recipe for indoor cooking?
Get a cast iron griddle or skillet. Heat it up quite hot before you put your steaks on and it will give it a smoky flavor similar to grilling outside.
They have indoor grills now .... I have one and it is the best purchase I ever made.
Jenny is right- the cast iron gives you the best smokey flavor. But to keep it tender- this is what I do. Heat the cast iron until super hot, on high, at least 5 minutes. Heat your oven to 400 degrees. Have your steaks at room tempurature, and brush with olive oil, sprinkle with fresh cracked pepper. Place in the cast iron for 1 minute per side, and transfer to the oven for 5-7 minutes. Take out, cover pan with foil, and let sit for 5 minutes. Enjoy!
Where I live, the snow keeps me from grilling this time of year, here is what I do when I want to cook steak indoors:

Broiled Steak with Potatoes and Vegetables

(Prep Time: 10 minutes. Broiling Time 16 minutes)

Steak Marinade:

陆 cup olive oil

录 cup red wine vinegar

陆 onion, diced

1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

1 Tablespoon Soy Sauce

2 garlic cloves, minced

1 teaspoon salt

2 Porterhouse or Sirloin Steaks

Potato %26amp; Vegetable Coating:

2 Tablespoons Olive Oil

1 garlic clove, minced

陆 teaspoon paprika

录 teaspoon salt

4-6 small red potatoes

Assorted vegetables of your choice such as carrots, zucchini, red onion, yellow squash or red peppers

1. Combine marinade ingredients in a zip style bag. Add steaks and refrigerate for 2-8 hours. The longer the better.

2. 30 minutes before you want to serve, combine the potato and vegetable coating mix in a medium bowl. Add potatoes and vegetables which have been cut in half lengthwise.

3. 20 minutes before serving, place steaks on a large broiler pan (to make clean up easier, place non-stick foil on the inside and top of the broiler pan first and cut slits in the foil where the pan slits are) Arrange potatoes and vegetables around the steaks.

4. Broil steaks 3-4 inches from the top of the oven for 8 minutes. Flip steaks and insert a meat thermometer in meat and broil an additional 7-8 minutes or until desired degree of doneness is reached.

5. Remove steaks from oven, cover with foil and allow steaks to rest for about 5 minutes before serving.

I also have a stuffed flank steak recipe that is very good, but I'm not sure if that is what you're looking for, if it is you can find it at:鈥?/a>

Good Luck!


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